Carat in jewelry

The use of carat as a penalty for grading diamonds, other gemstones, and pearls has no clear explanation. In ancient times, carob pods (Italian: carato) were recorded to measure small objects, which required a constant weight and size. At present, the carat is still used for mass participation in jewelry.

Carat weight versus stone size

In the world of gemstones, especially in the case of diamonds, there is an eternal dilemma: what is more important - the carat weight of the stone or its size?  Both of these characteristics have their value and can affect the price and quality of the stone.

Carat is a unit of measurement for the mass of gemstones.  One carat is equal to 0.2 grams or approximately 0.007 ounces.  The larger the stone in carats, the higher its weight and, as a rule, the higher the value.  This is because gemstones are much rarer in large quantities, making them more valuable and desirable.

However, it is worth noting that the size of the stone also plays an important role.  Size is usually measured in millimeters.  A large high-carat stone can look impressive and attractive, but its size can be small if it is deeply cut or has a thick pavilion.  Some people prefer large investments with a large size, regardless of their carat weight.

It should also be borne in mind that the quality of the fence is striking in the appearance of the stone.  A well-cut diamond can make it appear larger than it actually was.  On the other hand, a poorly cut stone can look good even if its carat is high.

Ideally, when choosing a diamond or gemstone, it is important to consider different carat weights as well as their impression.  A combination of factors determines microbial involvement and stone attraction.  Ultimately, the choice depends on the preferences of the buyer and his goals for acquiring the stone, whether for investment or decoration.

Carats and other gemstones

While diamonds are probably the most famous, carat is also used to measure and grade other gemstones such as sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and pearls.  Carat weight can play an important role in the value and value of these stones.  However, for each type of stone, there are also other factors such as color, clarity, shell and features that are characteristic of their pronounced appeal.

The ratio of carat and price

Carat is a factor that affects many gemstones.  Generally, the higher the carat of a stone, the higher its price per carat.  This is because larger amounts are rarer and require more results for their profit and processing.  However, it is important to understand that the price of a stone also depends on its quality, including color, clarity, and cut.  Two stones of excellent carat are superior in price if their quality characteristics are judged.

The Meaning of a Balanced Relationship

When choosing jewelry, including diamonds and other gemstones, it is important to have a balanced approach.  A pure carat orientation may cause other quality values ​​to be ignored.  The ideal solution is to choose stones that combine a decent carat, high cut quality, beautiful color and good clarity.  This is likely to result in a piece of jewelry that not only impresses with its carat but also exhibits a display of appearance and quality.

If you want to buy diamond jewelry, Kantor Jewelry will be happy to help you find the best gemstone and create a unique jewelry piece of your own design. We don't buy stones wholesale, we look for the best, most beautiful and profitable personal option for our clients. We seek out special stones for your request until you are satisfied.

Kantor Jewelry will help you to find the best setting option for your stone so it can please you with its beauty for many years as a part of a unique jewelry piece that will be passed from generation to generation.